Any other ideas? #23918 - 09/28/06 03:58 PM Re: Initilization error / SQL*Net not properly installed Member Registered: 08/30/99 Posts: 19628.Ĭomments are closed. Thanks Marco:-) I reinstalled the 10g client and set the field above as stated, but still get: Initialization error Could not load 'D: oracle product 10.2.0 client_1 bin oci.dll' OCIDLL forced to D: oracle product 10.2.0 client_1 bin oci.dll LoadLibrary(D: oracle product 10.2.0 client_1 bin oci.dll) returned 0 I didn't get any errors during the 10g client install. I'm not a power user, so be gentle:-) I'm trying to learn. Why or how do I set these values? Why is it telling me it's not properly installed when it seems to work with SQLPLUS? When I run PL/SQL Developer I get: Initialization error SQL*NET not properly installed OracleHomeKey: OracleHomeDir: When I rerun the client install program, I can see where SQL*Net has been installed. Notice the Help->Support output doesn't have any information about my TNSnames.ora file. The versions of Oracle Client and Oracle Database do not have to be the same. I am able to successfully run SQLPLUS and attach to my remote database. 18.1 Simple Insertion of LOBs 18.2 Simple LOB Queries and PL/SQL OUT. I had the 9i client on this machine and have since uninstalled it and reinstalled 10g. Tools >Preferences, Under Oracle >Connection * Oracle Home. How to set PL/SQL Developer to use a different HOME and OCI library. From within PL/SQL Developer: Tools >Preferences, Under Oracle >Connection * Oracle Home (point to where tnsnames.ora file is, under the Oracle Client Installation).